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Join the SEA WAVES Mission: Because Our Military Heroes Deserve a Fighting Chance Against Eating Disorders

Welcome to SEA WAVES, where you become a catalyst for change in addressing eating disorders within the military community. Your presence signifies your commitment to making a difference.Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey?


​Here's how you can contribute:

1. Become a SEA WAVES Champion:

At SEA WAVES, we value your unique skills and passion for our cause. Whether you're a fundraising guru, administrative whiz, marketing mastermind, social media savant, community connector, or creative visionary, there's a place for you here. Use your talents to support service members and their families facing eating disorders and have a fulfilling experience while doing it.


2. Forge a Partnership with SEA WAVES:

Calling all Corporate Friends & Organizations! Together, we can amplify our impact on the well-being of our service members. Partner with us to spotlight our cause at your events, leverage your organizational strengths, and become our change ally.


3. Power the SEA WAVE Movement:

Every donation fuels our mission, transforming lives and reinforcing our commitment to those we serve. Your financial support is more than a contribution; it's a lifeline. Your contributions fund seminars for military leaders, healthcare providers, and civilian centers, ensuring comprehensive support for service members grappling with eating disorders.​​


Join our cause and be a part of this vital movement. Your contribution creates waves of change, initiating vital conversations and saving lives. Together, let's shine a light on military eating disorders and support our heroes in their time of need.Every contribution brings us one step closer to a world where noservice member battles an eating disorder alone.

Be A Volunteer

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

Join Our Board:

Shape the Future of SEA WAVES! We are on the lookout for experienced and passionate individuals to join our Board of Directors. Your expertise and supportive guidance can play a pivotal role in steering SEA WAVES towards greater impact and success in our mission.

As a Board Member, You Will:

  • Provide Strategic Direction: Help shape the vision and strategy of SEA WAVES, ensuring we effectively combat eating disorders within the military community.

  • Leverage Your Expertise: Utilize your professional experience and network to enhance our operations, outreach, and effectiveness.

  • Be an Advocate: Act as a champion for SEA WAVES, fostering relationships and partnerships that support our growth and goals.

Become a Guiding Force: 

We need leaders like you to guide our journey and amplify our voice.

Tell Your Story...

"We need your help to ensure military families’ voices are heard. Contact your Senator or Representative and ask them to push the Defense Health Agency for full implementation of the SERVE Act. Military families’ health and well-being depend on it." - National Military Family Association. 

Have you or a family member struggled with an eating disorder? Have you been able to find treatment through TRICARE? Share your story here.

A special THANK YOU to our amazing sponsors! 

It is our mission to ensure no military member or veteran is without a friend during any milestone of their lives.
Project Rebirth
Social Media Manager
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